They will not ask them to stop the violence while they are benefiting from the violence but the moment they get taken out by the violence, you will see the same use less community shouting stop the violence.....🙄🙄🙄🙄
If you are wondering why the Judgment of God will start with the USE LESS Church, well, here is one of the Many Many Many Many reasons why all the Temples has been destroyed. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
People are really really really really LAZY Ignorant Stupid and USE LESSSSSS....🙄🙄🙄🙄
India's Biggest Cringelord
WestJett goes over some absolutely wild India content from Rajatwins, massive cringe overload and shameless memes in this video. happy diwali to my indian viewers, …
Military, economic, political, and technological ties between #Russia, #China, #Iran, and #NorthKorea have deepened. Their shared objective is now to establish an alternative to the existing #PaxAmericana.