This is why I said WHITE People are ANIMALS...WHITE People REFUSED and REJECTED their Original Roots and because they (WHITE) People DO NOT want to believe they came from BLACK People, they (WHITE) People decided to Make up shit to hide …
China’s New Gaming Crackdown is Tanking China’s Economy
China revealed insane new draft regulations on the mobile game and gaming industry in China, blowing up $80 billion from some of China's biggest tech companies, like Tencent. And with the China …
It's sad, very SAD that we care more about money, a piece of paper than we care about Each Other...SAD, Very very SAD that this is what WHITE CIVILIZED People with Higher Level of Civilization are doing to each other, imagine …
You don't want to be like any one of them, they have no Talent, no ideas, they are not productive to the society but what do I know, the world is filled with stupidity...