Because The Only thing Communism and Socialism are very good at is Raising the People to Rise up against The People, Teaching the People how to SNITCH on the People....
Taiwan President's US Visit Unfolds Amid Warnings from China | China in Focus
Taiwan's president in the United States, as China threatens to retaliate. The Island's president is NOT expected to meet with president #Biden. Instead scheduled to see …
Can’t Withdraw Savings! Depositors Smash Bank Hall as China’s Banking Sector Faces Multiple Crises
Depositors in Guizhou, China, unable to withdraw their savings, vented their anger by smashing up a bank branch as a series of banking crises unfolded across …
If you watch the video on RT, you will see that the Russian official was at fault just as the Russians are at fault when it comes to the War. Good punch from the Ukrainian MP, you don't go up …