Putin Says Russia Suffers about 5000 KIA a Month. Is that Sustainable?
During a June 5 press conference, Vladimir Putin may have inadvertently commented on the number of fatalities Russia is currently facing in Ukraine: 5000 per month. This video explores …
Despite its market dominance, the iPhone posted some underwhelming numbers to start 2024 leading some to question whether this is the beginning of the end for Apple's smartphone juggernaut. So what is it that seems to …
Concrete Crumbles to Sand in Hand, Pillars Break on Tapping, China’s Widespread Tofu-Dreg Projects
The video footage shows that while these resettlement homes appear as upscale villas from the outside, their true condition harbors alarming deficiencies. The walls, supposedly cemented, …
And the FOOL invaded in 2014....meanwhile people in Russia are FREEZING to Death and this FOOL is still talking Folly. This bastard has been ruling Russia since 1999..let that sink in while you support them useless Governments.