Main Russian Oil Hub in Crimea Destroyed by Ukraine
Ukraine has successfully struck the main oil and gas logistics hub for the Russians in Crimea. Ukraine at the moment is fully committed to a war of attrition and is strategically trading …
Deng Xiaoping's reforms in the 80s transformed Shenzhen, a small town near Hong Kong, into an economic powerhouse. China's rapid growth lifted millions from poverty but did it grow too quickly to be sustainable? Now China …
If you think the UN is the Problem, you clearly don't know what is going on...The UN is a creation of ALL World Governments, now, check the Constitution/Laws of all the UN Member states and this is what you will find... …
Ruthless Response: How Ukraine Is Destroying Russia's Military Equipment in Russia
The Ukrainian Defense Forces have struck the Khanskaya airfield in the Republic of Adygea of the Russian Federation. In particular, an ammunition depot was hit. This was reported by the …
As long as we value money more than human life, the USELESS Rich will continue to abuse Human Life because they have more money than the people they abuse...All because STUPID Humans value MONEY ( a Fucking USELESS, WORTHLESS piece of …