As someone who spent 9 years in Malaysia, I am not surprised, No Indian or Chinese Malay is allowed to be Prime Minister of Malaysia, if that is not the HIGHEST form of RACIAL discrimination, then I don't know what discrimination …
Security forces fire tear gas as anti-government protests break out across Nigeria
A woman protest against hardship on the street of Lagos, Nigeria, Thursday, Aug. 1, 2024. Thousands of mostly young people poured onto the streets across Nigeria on Thursday as …
Tucker Carlson traveled to Moscow to interview Putin in person with the goal of making the United States look bad before his American audience. Putin was supposed to say Russia's actions were justified …
Chinese Youth: "We are the biggest natural enemy of real estate"/The Consequences of "Anti-Western"
As the pressure of employment becomes increasingly intense, the "four no's" lifestyle has also emerged. "Going to school has already cost me more than a …