Russia keeps blaming the West for the War in Ukraine, meanwhile it is Ukrainians who are Fighting the War in Ukraine, it is Ukraine who said Enough and it is Ukrainians who will Decide the Fate of the War...Russians who support …
Every Man and Woman have inside them the 7Seven Deadly Sins (pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony and sloth) and that is why this world can NEVER be a better Peaceful Place.
Even both America and British Fought for their Independence. No One gives you Total Absolute Independence (TAI)...Only You can Fight for your Total Absolute Independence (TAI)
American Independence From the British Perspective | Animated History
Comparing China with U.S is an insult to the U.S. Comparing China with Japan is an insult to Japan, Comparing China with South Korea is an Insult to South Korea....If you must compare, Compare China with North Korea, Iran, Russia, Cuba …