Trump Backs Down Amid National Outcry Over Funding Freeze That Caused Chaos: A Closer Look
Seth takes a closer look at the Trump administration rescinding a directive that would have placed a freeze on all federal grants and loans after the …
Nas Daily responded and it was bad... In this video we will look into Nas Daily's response to the controversies and provide some additional context on why he has …
Who Really Rules America? Exposing The Power Elite
Who really holds the reins of power in America? This thought-provoking documentary explores the hidden dynamics behind the nation's most powerful institutions, revealing how money, influence, and elite networks shape the decisions …
"War of Plunder": How Rwanda Has Fueled War in DRC as Western Countries Look Away
The long-simmering conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo escalated this week when Rwandan-backed M23 rebels captured at least part of the eastern city of …
Because Humanity is filled with USE LESS People....🙄🙄🙄
10 Mistakes Humanity Tragically Repeated
These mistakes continue to rear their ugly heads. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re looking at the worst errors that seem to have been repeated over and …
JD Vance Says He Wants More Babies in the United States
Seth Meyers does his monologue for Tuesday, January 28, before reminiscing about a simpler - albeit recent - time when drones weren't spying on people in New Jersey.
Ukraine Has Crippled Russia's Oil Refinery Industry
Ukraine successfully shut down the entire Ryazan Oil Refinery with two drone attacks. This took 5% of Russia's entire oil refining capacity offline from a single operation.