Musk has history with the leading secure messenger Signal. Back in 2021, he caused something of a stir when he tweeted “Use Signal.” His voice was quickly added to the likes of Edward Snowden as an advocate for the fast-growing platform …
421 Chinese Mercenaries in Russia, Just 6 Left—99% Killed! Female Influencer Harassed by Soldiers
Recently, a post on Platform X, from the “Overseas Leak” account, shared that Chinese nationals serving as mercenaries in Russia are regretting their decisions. According to a …
I am glad the Old Use Less Fart Fools are alive to see their USE LESS STUPID legacy....NA GOD go Punish Gowon and Obasanjo, in fact, I thank God say them still dey alive till today. Use Less People 🙄🙄🙄🙄
The LORD will bring you back to Egypt in ships, by the way about which I said to you, 'You will never see it again! ' And there you will offer yourselves for sale to your …
Russia's World is Falling Apart - Russia Loses Control in Syria
The Turkish backed rebels in Syria have defeated Assad's forces and now control the city of Aleppo. This now threatens Russia's most important ally in the Middle East and their …