With all their HIGH WHITE Supreme Civilization, with all their "Advanced" technology and developments, yet they lack something as Common as Commonsense...
com·mon sense - [ˌkämən ˈsens] - noun - good sense and sound judgment in practical matters: "a common-sense …
Shanghai’s Top 10 Chaos: Luxury Areas Wiped Out, Takeaway Sector Disrupted, Citizens in Agony
Some Shanghai citizens said that the situation inside Bailian Central Shopping Plaza is not ideal. Many merchants have been replaced, and many new restaurants and new merchants …
Russian Oil Depot Taken OFF LINE by Ukrainian Strike
Ukraine has targeted and successfully struck two Russian oil depots, with one being close to St Petersburg and critical to Russia's export revenues. MAGA Republican Dan Crenchaw admits that he has …
China’s Manufacturing Firms Take A 10-Month Hiatus: Order Shortage Sparks Closures and Layoffs
Facing financial challenges, these tech companies are opting for bankruptcy and liquidation before the year ends, while others still struggle to survive into the next year. Unable …
There are more Poor People than Rich People, why can't the Poor People come together to EAT THE RICH People instead of fighting and dying for the same Rich Bastards who keep them Poor and in Bondage is Beyond me....
As far as I can remember as a Nigerian, USE LESS ASUU has been going on strike for more than 24 Years...Just to show you that NOTHING has been working in the USE LESS Country for more than 24 Years...USE LESS …