When you support Russia, you support China, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea and other Dick Head Terrorists and when you support the other side (the Collective West), you are also supporting Terrorists!
When the Consumers wake up, All the Billionaires will become POOR Overnight. It is the Poor who make the Billionaires and it is the Billionaires who keep the Poor, Poor...Yeah, go figure 🙄🙄🙄
There are more Poor People than Rich People, why can't the Poor People come together to EAT THE RICH People instead of fighting and dying for the same Rich Bastards who keep them Poor and in Bondage is Beyond me....
How did The Onion's Infowars acquisition go down and why?
The satirical news company The Onion bought the right-wing media outlet Infowars at a bankruptcy auction. CBS News' Lilia Luciano reports on why the acquisition happened and what they plan on …
Russia has a SERIOUS Problem After Oil Depot Strikes
The Ukrainian military continues to consolidate their progress in Kursk as Russia attempts with their fourth pontoon bridge to resupply an isolated area. Russia has now lost so many oil depots, they …
Cartel War Explodes Threatening to Spill into America
An all-out cartel war just exploded south of the border in Mexico and now officials are warning the violence could spill into the United States. A mile from the Texas Mexico border Cartel …
That is why his Family is MESSED UP and his Legacy will be MESSED UP....Use Less Stupid Obasanjo...way the light Obj? where the light you promise niaja people? Mumu old Man.
2 months ago
อา. 17th พฤศจิกายน 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
Entitled Woman Forces Cops to Drag Her from The Church
An avid churchgoer became the center of attention at the Sunday mass when the management decided to trespass her for causing problems to other patrons.
At first glance, Iran looks pretty powerful. But looking under the surface, Iran isn't as strong as it appears, with poor economy prospects, less-than-popular regime, and a succession crisis looming. In this video, …