ALL White People are naZis, KKK, Terrorists. If you don't believe me and you are white, take a white piece of paper and place it on your skin, Now, compare dummy, compare the two colors are they the same? Fucking naZis, KKK, …
Islam vs Islam | Muslims vs Muslims...Religion of Peace indeed. To all Muslims, who is right and who is wrong? Who will you support? 🤣🤣😂😂😂🤡🤡👎👎 Bunch of dumb religious terrorists clowns. Both Iran and Pakistan are Terrorists.
4 months ago
Sat 21st September 2024
[UTC + 07:00]
People from Africa and Asia have the same skin as white people, but some how they are not WHITE because to be WHITE, you have to be a Dumb, Stupid Racist Terrorists.