Imagine if this was what Japan, South Korea and Taiwan was doing instead of Innovating and Inventing.....Please tell me, apart from FAKE and COPY, what has China actually invented since they opened up? 🙄🙄🙄
Any thoughts America could take a break from racism for the holidays was quickly dashed with the Congressional Anti DEI Debate. We got a Christian Nationalist Movement seeking to restore "Heritage America" and only tolerant …
Governments has been USE LESS for a very ver long time, why? Because the People has been USE LESS for a very very long time and the Governments always comes from the People. Symbiosis. 🙄🙄🙄🙄
School sheltering displaced people in Gaza City hit by Israeli strike
Families have been sifting through the rubble for their belongings after a deadly Israeli strike on a school sheltering displaced Palestinians in Gaza City. Salah al-Din school was hit during …
The Worst Way to End a Date | Ian Levy | Stand Up Comedy
Comedian Ian Levy jokes about growing up as homeschooled kid, babysitting girls vs. boys, and how NOT to end a first date in his hilarious Don't Tell …