Reupload: Fines Everywhere! Even for muddy tires/Hurts people & businesses, deepens tension
On the Nanjing subway, a woman was given a ticket for drinking water on the subway. When a journalist inquired about it, Subway authorities responded by saying that …
1 year, 6 m…
Thu 31 Aug 2023 09:12 AM [UTC + 07:00]
Because CCP is stupid and Foolish. Foolishness will make you fight with people who are helping you. Xi daughter studied in the U.S All Chines Communist Party Members including Xi have U.S Passports and Properties in the U.S
1 year, 6 m…
Tue 29 Aug 2023 09:05 AM [UTC + 07:00]
China - Don't Say Deflation!
China’s economy has been struggling to reawaken from an economic shutdown that was officially ended last year. Chinese authorities are now reported to be pressuring economists and analysts within the country to avoid discussing any …
Worse Than Fukushima, Trillions Loss, China’s Walking Into A Salt Rush War
After receiving approval from the The International Atomic Energy Agency, Japan initiated a plan on the afternoon of August 24th to release treated radioactive wastewater from the Fukushima …