To all the iDiots supporting China to fight against TikTok BAN in America, here is something for you, Facebook, YouTube and Twitter plus many many apps are ALL BANNEDand REMOVED in China.
5 months, 1…
Sun 13 Oct 2024 12:53 AM [UTC + 07:00]
All Governments are Terrorists and those who Support Governments are ALSO TERRORISTS. That is why Governments agents get wiped out during revolutions and warz because they are seen as TERRORISTS...🙄🙄🙄
Hezbollah Builds New Command Centre After Nasrallah’s Killing | Drones …
The Moon can NEVER be totally Black...NEVER. The Moon can NEVER Cover the Sun....Funny how they NEVER show you the Moon after the supposed Solar Eclipse.....bunch of dumb lazy, jobless, talentless clowns.
Use Less Nigerians....Some times too many people can be STUPID and Backwards, I guess that is why EU countries are only few million people, not hundreds of millions of USE LESS People 🙄🙄🙄
1 year, 2 m…
Sun 31 Dec 2023 07:46 AM [UTC + 07:00]
Keep supporting Terrorists you poor fools...
Putin’s War: Killer Instinct
In June 2023, President Vladimir Putin would face one of the biggest challenges of his reign since the start of the war in Ukraine when Yevgeny Prigozhin, one of …
Rodrigo Duterte arrested for ‘crimes against humanity’ in war on drugs
Former President of the Philippines Rodrigo Duterte has been arrested by the International Criminal Court, accused of crimes against humanity during his deadly war on drugs.
This video is discussing two old books. Book one is about the ancient biblical city of Bashan. Book two is about the ancient tree in the center of the Garden of Edin.
Unbelievable Scary Natural Moments Filmed Seconds Before Things Went Wrong !
Nature has a way of captivating us with its incredible beauty, but sometimes it has to remind humanity who the boss really is around here. Today, we've put together over …