Pastor Lorenzo Swell's Speech At Trump's Inauguration Was Bad!
Pastor Lorenzo Swell… what were you doing man? Were you doing a rendition of Dr. Martin Luther King’s speech? There were barely any black people in the background.
1 month, 3 …
Thu 30 Jan 2025 08:10 AM [UTC + 07:00]
Dear White People,
Before your beloved Columbus, there was, has been and will always be BLACK PEOPLE in America.I don't blame you whites, I will always blame the Black Niggers 🙄🙄🙄
1 year, 3 m…
Fri 15 Dec 2023 11:32 AM [UTC + 07:00]
Putin Russia has been saying it for years, they are fighting NATO, E.U, U.K and U.S.
Meanwhile without U.K, U.S, there would be no Russia...Argue with your dumb self. Remember when Russia joined Hitler naZi during WW2? You probably don't.
Ukraine "Forming Units for New Counteroffensive", China Flaunts "Superpower Relations" with Russia
The Ukrainian military said it will stabilize the battlefield situation shortly and aims to form units for a counter-offensive in 2024. Kyiv has suffered a series of battlefield setbacks since …
There is no difference between the Governments and the Gangs, that is why ONLY both the Gangs and Terrorists can Threaten the Government....Why? Because there are NO Difference between the Gangs, Terrorists and Governments.
11 months, …
Sun 31 Mar 2024 02:19 PM [UTC + 07:00]
China’s Mineral Resources Depleted? Chinese Lithium Mines Are Trash, Rely on Imports for Lithium
As the new energy vehicle and the lithium battery industries advance, the demand for lithium ore in the Chinese market continues to rise. However, China is not …
1 year, 11 …
Sun 26 Mar 2023 08:31 AM [UTC + 07:00]
US Due Diligence Firm Raided in Beijing | China In Focus
A top U.S. investigation firm has been raided in China. Due diligence company Mintz Group found itself raided and its staff seized by Chinese officials. The company has since …