Thailand News : Hong Kong Tourist Restrained After Rampage Near Phuket Airport
Today we’ll be talking about road safety crackdowns in Thailand, plans to downsize the military, and a little later the problem of football hooliganism in Malaysia.
1 year, 1 m…
Thu 15 Feb 2024 08:48 AM [UTC + 07:00]
Learn from HISTORY...There are things that are GREATER than Money....Imagine if Ukraine kept their Nukes? Eggxactly.
Later in 1993, the Ukrainian and Russian governments signed a series of bilateral agreements giving up Ukrainian claims to the nuclear weapons and the Black Sea …
1 year, 4 m…
Fri 17 Nov 2023 09:42 AM [UTC + 07:00]
Where Did San Francisco's Homeless Go?
San Francisco is finally getting the makeover it so desperately needed. But now the city's being criticized for why it's being cleaned up, how it's being cleaned up, and what it's doing with the …
1 year, 1 m…
Sat 17 Feb 2024 10:03 AM [UTC + 07:00]
The World was under Lock Down...People were DYING and all the Best your Governments and Cooperations, Millionaires and Billionaires could do is this nonsense..😡🤬🤬🤬🤬😡😡
While all these nonsense was going on....People were DYING from the LOCK DOWN and …